Spring Garage Door Maintenance Checklist: Get Ready for Warmer Weather
Spring is the perfect time to give your garage door the attention it deserves. After months of battling cold temperatures, snow, and ice, your garage door needs a thorough checkup to ensure it operates smoothly for the warmer months ahead. A well-maintained garage...

How to Program Your Garage Door Remote in 2025
Have you ever had to program or reprogram your garage door remote? If so, you may have found the process frustrating or confusing. The good news? It doesn’t have to be! Whether you have a modern garage door opener or an older model, follow these steps to get your...

Upgrade Your Garage with a Smart Controller in 2025
As technology continues to transform our daily lives, smart home upgrades remain a top priority for homeowners looking to enhance convenience and security. From thermostats to coffee makers, the ability to control systems from your smartphone is no longer a...

Prevent Winter Garage Door Problems This Holiday Season
Winter brings joy and holiday cheer, but it can also usher in harsh weather conditions that wreak havoc on your garage door. Taking preventive measures can save you from inconvenient breakdowns and costly repairs during the festive season. Here's how to prepare your...

Smart Garage Door Openers Winter 2024
Smart Garage Door Openers Winter 2024 Winter in Northeast Ohio brings cold days, early sunsets, and sometimes unpredictable weather, making it even more convenient to have full control of your garage door from your phone. Smart garage technology is changing how...

Stay ahead of winter emergencies with your garage door
Your garage door is a collection of moving parts designed and connected to operate as one unit. Changing temperatures and damp air can render these moving parts incompatible, so a Northeast Ohio winter is clearly a risky environment for every homeowner dealing with a...

Time for garage door fall maintenance, winter prep
Don’t wait to schedule your fall maintenance check for your garage door and door opening system. A fall checkup is the most important thing you can do to prevent unexpected breakdowns during the winter. Ensuring the door is in good working order also frees you up to...
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Broken garage door? We’re here to help call today.
Spring Garage Door Maintenance Checklist: Get Ready for Warmer Weather
Spring is the perfect time to give your garage door the attention it deserves. After months of battling cold...
How to Program Your Garage Door Remote in 2025
Have you ever had to program or reprogram your garage door remote? If so, you may have found the process frustrating...
Upgrade Your Garage with a Smart Controller in 2025
As technology continues to transform our daily lives, smart home upgrades remain a top priority for homeowners looking...
Prevent Winter Garage Door Problems This Holiday Season
Winter brings joy and holiday cheer, but it can also usher in harsh weather conditions that wreak havoc on your garage...
Smart Garage Door Openers Winter 2024
Smart Garage Door Openers Winter 2024 Winter in Northeast Ohio brings cold days, early sunsets, and sometimes...
Stay ahead of winter emergencies with your garage door
Your garage door is a collection of moving parts designed and connected to operate as one unit. Changing temperatures...
Managing your garage door during a power outage
Your power outage checklist probably includes extra batteries for flashlights and fully charged battery packs to power...
Many options for programmable access to garage
Technology has made accessing your garage door as easy as speaking to your phone. Still, reading instructions for any...
Upgrading garage door opener a worthwhile investment
Your old garage door opener is likely not up to the task of today’s demands. Homeowners today are looking for...
Get ready for garage sale season with cleaning, checkup
When you are getting ready for your garage sale this year, organization and maintenance for your garage and garage...
Take steps to ready your garage for spring activities
If you are like most homeowners, your garage is extra space in your home that has real potential for use as an...
Your winter tip list for garage door problems
The possibilities are endless for garage door emergencies during a Northeast Ohio winter. Rain freezes or snow melts...
Get smart with a smart garage door opener controller
For convenience and safety, smart home capability continues to be among the most popular of home upgrades. Control of...
Garage security tips for holidays, winter vacations
Winter days and holidays can leave you and yours vulnerable when it comes to security for your garage. Thieves know...
Tips for lubricating your garage door this winter
You know your garage door needs some lubrication. It’s probably the most-used door in your home and it has the most...
Garage door upgrade? Choose wood without the work!
There is a certain charm along with a touch of class inherent in a wood door, both for the front of a home and an...
Install peace of mind with garage door battery backup
In light of the severe weather events that have become more and more frequent in our country and around the world,...
Prevent summer heat damage to garage door in Canton OH
The summer months can take a toll on your garage door and door opening system. Excessive heat and heavy use can create...
Programming your built-in car garage door opener
If you have recently purchased a new vehicle, you may have noticed the remote buttons dedicated to controlling your...
Protect your investment, save money on garage door
Sometimes replacing your garage door and door opening system means laying out money you did not plan to spend. A...